Antarctic resources

This Antarctic resource section features material and work produced by University of St Andrews students as part of their Antarctic field course modules. Copyright rests with the students. Enjoy! Video Podcasts
- Lynsey Smith’s Seals as Southern Ocean explorers (2014), duration ~ 5 min.
- Vicki Balfour’s From Whaling to Whale-watching (2017), duration ~ 5 min.
- Haley Arnold’s Penguin Podcast: Don’t ruffle my feathers (2017), duration ~ 5 min.
In addition, here’s a (non-exhaustive) selection of other great Antarctic biology/ natural history/ resource management web resources. These are links to other party material so you’re leaving the St Andrews in the Antarctic website to peruse them.
- AAD- Australian Antarctic Division – Antarctica
- BAS – British Antarctic Survey – Antarctica info
- BBC Antarctica
- CCAMLR – Commission for the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources
- IAATO – International Association of Antarctic Tour Operators
- MEOP – Marine Mammals Exploring the Oceans Pole to Pole
- SCAR – Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research
- SEaOS – Southern Elephant seals as Oceanographic Samplers
- US-AMLR Programme
- USAP – United States Antarctic Programme – Portal