So we’ve been back from Antarctica for almost 2 months …. but the journey is not over…. for many of the Antarctic expeditioners this is a time of transition…. Our senior honours team members have finished their studies…
Antarctic Expedition 2017
So we’ve been back from Antarctica for almost 2 months …. but the journey is not over…. for many of the Antarctic expeditioners this is a time of transition…. Our senior honours team members have finished their studies…
Here are the first five pictures capturing amazing moments during our recent Antarctic expedition. Enjoy!!! : )
Sunday 26th March 2017 – Ushuaia to Buenos Aires We awoke to the final dulcet “good morning” announcement of our beloved expedition leader Beau, and after one last delicious breakfast disembarked the Plancius, our home…
It started to dawn on us when we woke up (pun definitely intended) that this was our final day of sightings on the good ship Plancius. After a busy day of balancing our regular surveys and creating the evening…
Our second last day on the Plancius. We woke up to a slightly rough sea on the Drake Passage, however, it was much calmer than expected. The morning was quiet as we went about our routine marine mammal and seabird…
This morning we woke up at the Melchior Islands. The towering mountains that surrounded us rose steeply from the Antarctic waters, to glisten brightly against the clear blue sky creating breath-taking views of the…
Today began with us cruising through the Lemaire Channel, a beautiful channel, only a mile wide, which would take us even further South, right down to 65oS. Unfortunately, the weather wasn’t as great as yesterday, so…
Today we set foot on the continent of Antarctica proper! Neko Harbour has claimed a special place in our hearts as our first continental landing. We stepped onto the shore of a rocky beach surrounded by a wall of…